Monday, September 27, 2010

Trina: Day Four

     OK, today I begin by using my purple mix of Ultramarine Blue and Alizarin Crimson to put some darks in Trina’s hair.  Study your photo and keep your strokes wispy when doing the hair strands.  I also mix up a large puddle of my purple mix, and then add about 1/3 Cobalt Blue to this mix.  This is my first shirt wash and will separate the shadow side from the lit side.

     My next step is to paint a weak Raw Umber mix on most of the saddle as a base tone or under-painting.  I spend the majority of my time focusing on the shadow side of Trina’s leggings.  I put an under-painting of Burnt Umber and Ultramarine Blue, then drop salt into this wash.  The salt creates texture, which simulates the weathering on the leather.  I dry this wash, and then paint the cast shadow over this wash.  (This section took longer than my 15-minute allotment, so make sure you don’t rush.  Take your time!)
     Tomorrow we'll take a break from our painting, and on Monday we start adding some depth to our painting.  See you then!    

All content and images © Mark Kohler Studio.


  1. Another good lesson, Mark!

    Great visuals on the approach you take with your subject, the stages and layers of paint, and detailed instructions. Sorry I had to sit this one out. Still nice to be able to follow along on your progress.

  2. Sorry you had to sit this one looking for the video at the end of the demo.
